Bukan kekla malas ok..orang sakit perut laa…stupid tummy! Anyway it’s already 2pm now…sigh…ruginya rasa…I wish I’m back in medical school…bila2 nak ponteng pun boleh without rasa guilty!
Anyway baru teringat this personality test yang kekla buat time kat BTN dulu. (Finally something useful to remember besides dirty jokes!)
Among all these shapes below, which one represents you the most?
cup, gambar love, butterfly and taik tu only gambar hiasan ok? dont get distracted! (you wouldn't be if you chose triangle!)
Dah pilih shape? kena pilih dulu baru boleh scroll down ok??
Jangan tipuuuu pilih dulu! sapa tipu dosa!
OK? Dah pilih?
Here's the interpretation (or what i remembered from the real interpretation)
The square
Orang ni suka rules and regulation. Rasa safe dalam tempat sendiri, not too keen on changes sebab akan rasa insecure kalau bukan in control. Teratur, kemas buat keja apa pun semua jalan. (pendek kata :SUPER SKEMA! Hahaha) Rasa nya berdasarkan tahap kekemasan bilik kita semua, takdak kot anak abah masuk geng ni hehehee
The triangle
They are the planners and the achievers. Highly ambitious and motivated. Very opportunistic in whatever condition they are in. Tak cepat terpengaruh dengan distractions.They can also be quite BOSSY!! Tengok tu every corner pun tajam, so kalau kita tak bagi apa depa nak…ish..it can be very painful to us! KIASU jugak kot depa ni. (Kekla ras Abah masuk geng ni kikikiki kutuk bapak sendiri :P ehh some people are proud to be kiasu ok?!)
The circle
Jenis lepak lepak. Bulat macam bola so senang nak blend in dalam semua situation. Bulat tak semestinya physically bulat ok? Orang bulat ni banyak member sebab baik and senang terima perangai orang lain, tapi kadang kadang senang nak kena pushed around. More of a follower than a leader. Low profile plak tu.
The wave
Ok, this is OBVIOUSLY the BEST sebab this is the one I CHOSE! Hehehe
Orang ni pun jenis lepak jugak (cewah puji diri sendiri) , hates rules and regulation. Nanti rasa terkongkong ok! Thinks there are much more in life than money (or whatever the triangle people are so kiasu about). Creative and thinks outside the box (cewah angkat angkat!). Ada ka member kekla kata orang jenis ni indecisive and emotionally labile. Mana ada kekla emo dang you mc%&*njcejw**^weudchri!!!!! hehehe
So which shape respresents you?
Kekla tau :
Jek :bentuk love sebab suka usya pompuan hehe
Na: T**i sebab suka cuci toilet heheheheh
t**i? tahi?
na igtkan wave tu perhiasan, mana aci
laaa kekla tak kata pun wave perhiasan!!
so na pilih apa?
segitiga bermuda..i miss u too.
hahaha bentuk love?ok ok no problem kalau pilih bentuk love... awek awek muda sekalian marila mendampingiku..miooowww...hehe
x payah tanya na pilih apa...na mesti plih t**i gak...dia obsess ngan kentut...na cakap kentut byk byk bleh buat bom atom dekat blog dia ngan kat status facebook dia.
weh..ko xde keje ke?
miooooowwwwww abenjek???hahahahahaha adakah itu cara abenjek mengurat? meoooooowww??kahkahkah
i miss you three!
tp hg x jawap soalan size apa
hehehhee biasala orthooooooooo....
mioww?? fuuhhhh macho siuttttttt tu yang minachi tergoda kat tiusyen dulu tu
takpa na..nak tahan kentuk pakai seluar dalam banyak2 lapis...muahahaaa
masa aku baca "cup, gambar love, butterfly and taik tu only gambar hiasan ok?" aku tercari2 mana gambar cawan... ngehngeh.
kenapa aku terpilih boolat? tsk. aku nak pilih cawan.
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