6 days ago i turned 26~! Bude was so sweet, he made sahur for me - sedap hingga menjilat jari. Walaupun pakai 2 peket instant adabi nasik goreng..tak kesah la...he woke up slowly at 4 ( I was post call so memang tidoq mati aa) then the next thing i knew he woke me up at 5 and tadaaa - nasik goreng tomyam babe!! sweet kan? if only my bday is everyday...fuhh best..
Bude also bought me a cake. kat secret recipe. tapikan...logik ka..kat kedai dok bertengkaq. I wanted a mango cake, but he preferred chocolate cake. Dia siap kata " Kalau x abes mango cake tu you makan aaa..." Apekahhhhhh how could someone buy a birthday cake to his birthday wife that the birthday wife doesn't want for her birthday?
Anyway, we went ahead with the mango (OBVIOUSLY) , which turned out to be super sour hahaha but who cares, i got what i wanted, that's the whole point! nyiahahaha
So yeah, to summarise,
I'm a 26 year old girl, married to the man i love, working the job i love
and living in a house i love. If only i have a baby, life would be perfect!! ( feeling a little broody sebab semalam main ngan anak payat yang super cute!!)
Till my next entry, adios!
Ps: yes Na, you totally forgot my birthday!! Hampeh punya adik...Cepat call mintak maaf!
secret recipe's mango cake actually sedap tau, i loike i loike! ;D
btw happy birthday syigha,
semoga cepat2 dpt cahaya mata *winks*
thanks abaw~
tu la..the last time i tasted mango cake, it was really good.
i guess that day secret recipi silap beli mango masam kot
sumpah na igt! na siap remind kak myra lagik, tapi takdak kredit nak msg, tup tap tup tap, lupa teruih nak kol
hoho sori eh. jangan marah sgt, dah tua2 nanti berkerut
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