This liana climbs up and around another plant to reach the canopy where it spreads its leaves to catch the light.
Tu la na. mama letak nama na sempena nama pokok sebab hati na keras macam pokok and rambut na macam akar pokok hehehehe

I don't know why googling Jek's name came up with a picture of FHM's 35th sexiest female on earth. Adakah Jek akan berkahwin dengan Nadine? hmmmmmmm

Apparently it's a new UK based Womenswear Label. Cool betoi. Cheit

Monkeyin' around in Youngin Korea this week was seven-year-old trained chimpanzee, Rudi, who is learning how to play golf during 'the animal wonder stage' at the world famous Everland Amusement Park.
Rudi is not only attracting more guests, he's attracting thousands of viewers on the Internet.
err...i know Abudi played basketball in High School, never knew he trained in golf too...heheheh

Place and DOB: First gorilla born at Zoo Atlanta, March 15, 1989
Fun Facts: At 345 pounds, Kekla is a very large silverback. His name means “dawn” in Bawanese (a West African language). He is very friendly.
Favorite Food: Kekla’s least favorite food is onions.
Ceh. They named a gorilla after my name. Hampeh. (or abah named me after a gorilla? that's even worse!)

mmmm SUZIE's HOT!!
7 comments:! nama aku belly dancer kt arab. hahaha.
weih..tukaq link blog aku tu.
hot gila suzie...haha mesti sakit pinggang selalu
HAHAHAHAH ada keturunana gorilla ngan monyet rupanya kita ni
aku nk ckp ko camtu dh masa induksi,tp x sampai hati la.heheh..
ko amcm hidup skrg?
nama hang keluaq santan 2 bungkus. hahaha
tu aa pinggang ramping, toot toot size DDDD
kekla and abudi nama ja sama..yang anak no 5 tu..hmm..rupa pun ada lebih kurang..
ceit hampeh ko! life's good in hkl :)
kekla lutut putih... kalah miss universe yang abah kaa lutut itam
hahaha...bagitau abudi la..
i always knew that im a trendsetter..kuikui
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